Willem Boshoff




Conceptual artist



South Africa







onepeople first met with Willem Boshoff at his home in Johannesburg (January 1998). When we arrived, he was at work on his computer collecting names for a new conceptual art piece. Over the course of the next few hours, Boshoff recanted much of his personal history, showing us examples from his extensive body of work. We returned a week later to film his interview and, upon our departure several hours later, were filled with a deep reverance for the discipline and dedication with which he approaches his work.


A conceptual artist and sculptor who practices his craft with the dedication of a monk, Boshoff draws heavily upon text and language. Though quite scholarly in his preparation and research ( which can take two to ten years for one project due to their epic-like proportions) his results are filled with a playful, albeit, sharped tongued wit.